You know, I've NEVER been a huge Thanksgiving fan. I don't know why just haven't. I moved away from home after High School and I can probably count on one hand how many times I've been 'home' for Thanksgiving. Often times, especially when the kids were babies and Joe was working, it was 'just another day' for us.
I asked my friend Sonia if they were going to do anything for Thanksgiving and she said she they weren't 'big Thanksgiving people either'. She proceeded to tell me, 'We're thankful EVERY day. We don't NEED a special day to show our thanksgiving.' I've thought about that a lot this week and I agree.
Honestly, it probably would have been just another day this year but my Samuel wanted to do Thanksgiving. How could I turn him down?! So Thanksgiving we did. Nothing big. Dinner with most all the fix'in's. We're not big turkey fans so we don't USUALLY do turkey anyways, we often times do ham. Nikki LOVES, 'Dad's Famous Ham', so ham it was again this year!! Before we could all 'dig in' we went around the table sharing some of the things we are thankful for. I had to work Thanksgiving night so I prepared as much as I could in the morning. I even made some cannoli.
[Cannoli is Italian pastry, for those of you who don't know, and I'm pretty sure it's my FAVORITE. Where I grew up there was this awesome Italian bakery/Deli (Frances) that made THE BEST cannoli, among other things...oh, their sandwich rolls were TO DIE for!!! And they had these BIG pickles....Mmmmm. I was a synchronized swimmer when I was younger and we always had practice on Saturdays so we'd go up to Frances for lunch. The BEST sandwiches ever, chips, sometimes a pickle and THE BEST (BIG) cookies. Mmmmm. Memories. Frances isn't there anymore. :( ] I cheated a little bit....I made the filling but I had some cannoli shells my mom had sent from home AND I had Nikki make up some pizzelle's (an Italian cookie)-my mom bought me a pizzelle iron a few years ago...pizzelle's are ANOTHER one of my FAVORITES!! We made up the pizzelle's and rolled them around the cannolli forms we have and then stuffed them. Mmmmm.......
We had an early 'dinner' and I took my 'prework nap'.
I worked the next 3 nights and here I am off only for 2 before I go back for 3.
I almost forgot to share the BEST NEWS of ALL!!!
I go back for three BUT it will be my LAST 12 hour THREE! I gave my notice last week at the hospital. Yes, it's true.......because I got a job at a clinic!!! I've been having a hard time being away from Joe and especially the kids in the evening. I'd thought about a clinic job before and just didn't persue it. Well, lately it's just really been HEAVY on my heart. I NEED to be home with my kids. THEY are my priority. I've just been 10 years will I be happy with the choice I made to work 12 hour NIGHTS, sleeping MOST of my off days? Not being home with my kids in the evenings for dinner and bedtime WHEN THEY are home? And then I'd think....Samuel will only be little ONCE, am I willing to give away that time, that goes by SO QUICKLY anyways, for a job?! The answer I kept getting was, a LOUD and CLEAR NO! So, I looked for a job, found one, applied and GOT IT!! The hours vary slightly...7:30-4:30, 8-5 or 8:30-5:30. I will have to work every 7th Saturday until 12:30 but it's overtime. They offer a lot of good benefits so I'm happy and thankful about that but MOST importantly I'll be home with my family in the evenings AND another added bonus.....NO more working holidays for me!! Yes, it's true....I won't have any more 5 days in a row off. As NICE as 5 days off in a row sounds the truth of the matter is I often got LESS done in my 5 days off than I did in my 3. It's hard to go anywhere for a mini vacation or anything when you have children in school and the rest of your friends are working!!
I will be commuting now. The hospital is about 6 minutes away which WAS NICE. The clinic I'll be working at is 22 minutes away.....I clocked it the other day,{teeheehee}, but it's alright. You'll remember, I have a nice, new car with a awesome audio system--I don't mind driving. :) And thank heavens, the gas prices are better!! It SURE was NICE to gas up the other day for $37 and change instead of $70 something-$80!!!
SO that's what's been going on over here and......I'm EXCITED!!!
He actually had his eyes OPEN! What is it with this guy that nearly all the pictures you take of him, his eyes are closed!!!! AND LOOK!!! He's been keeping his hair short. Isn't he handsome!!!!
He's just getting SO big!!
He spent the night (and day today) at a friends house. By the time he got home this evening (5pm) I was still sleeping....
It was SOOO nice to see him when I woke up. He's SUCH a 'momma's boy' but I LOVE IT!!! I just can't EVER seem to get enough 'Momma Love' from him!!
I'd HOPED to get our Christmas tree and decorations started today but.....mmm, nope. It didn't happen. Maybe I'll pull everything out tomorrow and we'll start on it tomorrow night when the kids get home?! Some of you may remember that our friend Chris was staying with us last year, while his house was being built, and he helped 'decorate'. Oh it was fun AND FUNNY.....he and Joe together....oh dear.......I'll have to give him a jingle and see if/when he's available for the decorating fun!!! :)
That's all for now. :)
Enjoy your week!!!