Sunday, January 4, 2009

In between Christmas and New Years...

It's been kinda..... just busy around here working days now getting home about dinner time, cleaning up, getting Sammo ready for bed, and, uh.....falling asleep myself!!! I am LOVING the weekends!!! :)
I've been TRYING to take more pictures lately....some days I do better than others......
Here's my Sammo playing..................
Don't 'cha just
LOVE his outfit?!
I took this picture of Samuel through his bedroom window. I was checking on him and Ben (friend), they were sledding. I just LOVE that I caught this. :)
(Don't mind his one pink one gray cammo glove set! LOL) Must have been ALL that was dry.)
And here's Samuel and Ben making snowballs. I thought it was so cute how they put their sleds in the snow like shields, making and stacking snowballs waiting for Salvador to come out. I guess they pelted him with snowballs and he gave them whitewashes!!
Eh. They had FUN!!!
And finally........
...let me leave you with a picture of Joes maxin' and relaxin doin' what Joe enjoys most......well, almost......a CLOSE second anyways!! {grin}

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