Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've never been a huge fan of Fall---especially the weather. Spring has ALWAYS, ever since I was a little girl, been my ALL TIME FAVORITE time of the of the earth...everything is blooming and coming back to life and it's nice outside.....not too hot, not too cold!
Over the past 4 or 5 years though, I guess since we've moved back to an area that has a DEFINATE change of season, I've really grown to enjoy Fall. I think what I like MOST is the colors.....AND although I've NEVER been a fan of apples, I've really grown to LOVE apple season and apples. FRESH apples and what I can make with them....homemade applesauce, apple pies, apple crisps, dehydrated apples (the kids LOVE these), apple 'puff' (the kids LOVE this too....SO does Joe!!!), apple dumplings--this is actually a NEW recipe I'm going to try today for the FIRST time. I'll post a pic and let you know how it is!! :)--, the list goes on and on............But I ALSO LOVE decorating for Fall WITH those Fall colors!!
This is what I've done to the front, so far, for Fall decorating...
The buckets with the flowers in them are old buckets that used to be my Grandfathers. And the chair with the flowers in it and the milk can behind the hay bale...yep, I got them from my Grandparent's barn too when I was in Ct. last time. I just LOVE that I can have 'things' that used to belong to my family whether it be my Grandfather, Grandmother or parents, in or AT OUR home. I've lived away from 'home' since I was 18. Somehow having these things makes me feel more close to 'home'. Is that weird??
OBVIOUSLY Joe hasn't changed out the doors yet. For the past, oh, I dunno, I guess since we've moved here Joe has talked about taking out the double doors and putting in ONE door with side lights. Maybe next year??
The kids just got on the bus and today is my LAST day off so I wanted to do some FUN, hopefully, possibly, creating today so I'm going to say goodbye, for now.......
Thanks for visiting and come back soon!!!

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